Dennis & Tyanna Surprise Wedding
Dennis & Tyanna Surprise Wedding. This is Dennis & Taynna's wedding. They told their guests they were having a naming day but they planned a surprise wedding. You can see their photos here: and the slide show on You Tube: They chose Crows Nest Golf Club Queensland. Crows Nest is about 20 minutes north of Toowoomba. This made venue for beautiful wedding photos. The Crows Nest golf course is just outside Toowoomba has stunning views and having the run of all the fair ways helped too. Denns and Tyanna had their wedding close to sunset gave me the opportunity to use the soft golden light. Dennis & Tyanna have terrific kids who always come close to stealing the show. of course they had the eldest daughter as their flower girl. Their has so much charm that at times she almost stole the show. When you are planning you wedding think of when you will be hav...