The Geyhound I met.

The other I was out working on a personal project. I was with Madelynn Osborne who is a very talented model from Toowoomba. We were at the Toowoomba velodrome trying out a few ideas. While we there we met Melissa who had her beautiful grey hound Chloe. I was amazed by Chloe's beautiful nature. This was a fantastic dog. She was friendly playful and very loyal to Melissa who loves Chloe. Melissa did dote on Chloe and was training and socialising her on a warm summers afternoon. Melissa had her 2 year old daughter there as well and Chloe was gentle and trusting of the toddler. My previous experience with Greyhounds wasn't terribly positive. I had a uncle who would race them during the 1970's. There I was told that hey were dangerous and couldn't be trusted and if you ran they would chase you down and bite you. This could of been a uncle teasing a very young me but it did leave that greyhounds weren't to be loved....