Have you thought about a night time wedding or engagement photography shoot?

Have you thought about a night time wedding or engagement photography shoot ? Can you create awesome engagement or wedding photography in Toowoomba? Do you know an easy way to add some flair to your engagement? Having your wedding or engagement photos taken at night. A night time photo session will add flare and romance to your photos. Having your wedding or engagement photos at night we will create dramatic scenes using street lighting. Why not have your engagement in Toowoomba at night? Let me share some magical moments. These are tips to achieving photos that will get your awesome wedding or engagement photos . W hen I’m photographing you , I have a clear idea in my head. In the olden days, a photographer and the bride and groom we had to wait for the actual film to be developed. Then we could view the images. Now with digital photography, I can quickly shoot unique photos that reflect who you and your fiancĂ©’s love for each other...