Cake Smash
Baby Cake Smash This is a cake smash I did recently to celebrate Nick Morrison to celebrate his first birthday. His mum made the cutest set in their back yard. Kris and Koral wanted to remember their second son’s birthday Nick Morrison. I wanted Nick just be kid and play and eat the cake as kid would. I didn’t pose Nick or his parents just roam around the back yard and have fun. Nick is a cute and has beautiful nature and with his mums gorgeous outdoor set this was an easy and fun shoot. Toowoomba turned on the warm spring weather so Nick could have an outdoor bath. I wasn’t just a great photo opportunity but practical as well because Nick had cake all over himself. It was really exciting to watch Nick play in his backyard and celebrate his birthday. Nick might not remember this happening but his parents will and I will too. During Kris and Korals design consultation, this where they decide what wall they would like to buy. Their hardest decision what which ph...