Can you believe this guy was so organised? The future groom purchased the ring and then started to plan the proposal. He knows his future fiancé favourite flower is the sun flower. But he lives in Brisbane and there aren’t any sunflower farms in Brisbane. Being an industrious guy, he phoned the local Toowoomba tourist board to find out when the sunflowers would be ready to harvest and if they knew of farmers. He found a farmer named Mario and he has a farm at Green Mount. Then phoned me and that date was set. The farmer Mario was such a good guy he watered a large section of sun flowers just they would look their very best for the photos. I don't know how the future managed to talk his to be fiancé into a three-hour drive to a farm just to see some sun flowers but I'm sure we all can agree he is remarkable man. When they pulled up and got of the car. I was there with my camera gear. She asked me if it was ok if they could look around? I ...