Interview with Kraz Kev from power FM

Here is the audio.

As Toowoomba wedding photographer you can be given a lot of opportunites. Here is an interview i did ith Krazy Kev form Power FM.  

It's crazy Kevin out and about on Power FM for our business section and I've got a lovely gentleman here. What's your name?

David, David Rook I’m a Toowoomba wedding photographer.

Now David, I met you at a country wedding quite recently and you are a wedding photographer. Tell us all about wedding photography.

I love wedding photography. Country wedding photography is what I chose to do instead of fashion or real estate photography because wedding photography it's about life. A wedding is that one day, hen life happens. All the good and the bad bits come out in people, the beginnings and the endings of things, like you're going away from your parents but you're developing your own relationship and building your own family. That all happens on the wedding day and there's such an inevitability about a wedding too, because no matter what happens the wedding goes ahead. If it's raining it doesn't matter. If the groom forgets thewedding rings it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, it's just got this inevitability about it and it only happens once so you've got to be onboard. That's what I love about wedding photography, the pressure.

We're talking about wedding rings missing and things like that, anything ever happen like that?

Oh yeah. I was at a wedding and I was doing this freebie and it has, we all had the big joke. The big joke is like where's the wedding ring and you went, oh hang on. Just recently, I photographed a country wedding out at Goombungee just outside Toowoomba. It was really overcast, threatening rain day, soon as the bride stepped out it rained and as soon as they said I love you and kissed and ended, it stopped raining.

Sun came out.

It did for the all-important wedding photos.

I follow your great wedding photography website and you're sort of like, I've got this different slant on taking wedding photographs. It's like getting the real Australia and the brown Australia.

Yeah, because our skies are so big and there's nothing more beautiful to photograph than nature. You can't beat that and we've got lots of it in Toowoomba, so that's where I tend to photograph weddings and that's why I tend to specialize in country weddings.

Have you had any people asking you for different types of wedding photographs?

Well, I recently photographed a wedding in the CBD of Toowoomba as well, so it's no big dramas, but they always ask me for something different and they sort of hire me because of my look, because of my style. My wedding photos tend to be different from everyone else's anyway.

You of course sit down with the clients before hand and chat to them all about what they want.

Yeah, we'll sit down and like we muck around a lot on the wedding day and that's where we start mucking around and you get to know them and you get to design them and you get to see them as people instead of just a bride and groom and that's when we get to know each other and then just keep on moving through. I really do enjoy it. By the time you finish the wedding day, you become part of the family, you become the insider and that's good fun too. A bride has to be able to trust you. When it's their day and you've got to photograph a wedding, the wedding photography has got to be spot on. Weddings have got to be done properly and to get to know the bride and groom on their wedding day is a lot of fun.

That's the thing about wedding photography, isn't it? If you just sort of like stuck them out there, you've only just met them, take a couple of wedding photographs, you don't know them. You've got to get into their psyche or whatever.

Yeah, that's part of the fun. Like I recently did one where the bride and groom had a fire truck and we were mucking around. I was busting my gut trying to get to drive the fire truck but they wouldn't let me.

It's a bad subject to talk about but have you had any bridezillas?

I think bridezilla is an unfair term actually because I think they're just girls who know what they want and if you can't deliver and they get angry at you, who's fault is it? They employed you to photograph their wedding and if you can't do it, they’re going to get cranky at you and they're going to get cranky on you when they've got Auntie Mavis wanting wedding photos and their mums wanting wedding photos and their dads wanting wedding photos. It’s a lot of pressure, a lot of people watching them and if you can't deliver they might lose it and their annoyance and get annoyed at you and if you can't deliver, that's your fault.

It's a great take on bridezillas, isn't it? Everybody normally blames the brides and all that but no.

No, they're paying big money, big money and like weddings can cost like 40, 50, 60,000, $100,000 and if you can't deliver, that's your problem.

Hey, hope you're enjoying this interview with David Rook Toowoomba wedding photographer. That's the first part. Later on in the show you will hear the second part of a great interview with David Rook Toowoomba wedding photographer extraordinaire on Power FM.

Here's the second part of a great interview I just had recently with Toowoomba wedding photographer David Rook the amazing wedding photographer, and I asked him, "Have you ever photographed a weddings in any weird venues at all?"

David Rook:
At Goombungee, we were photographing a country wedding. They owned this property, and they wanted to utilize the property. They were hanging off the back of a four-wheel drive going downhill, and I'm taking wedding photos in the back of this four-wheel drive going downhill. I'm going "Urgh, urgh, urgh," and my camera gear is heavy. I was using at that time, it would easily be four kilos, so we're going downhill photographing that sort of stuff. But that's also too ... part of the fun of weddings, because you've got to be able to photograph weddings in any conditions at any time, and everything must be beautiful. And that's part of the fun of it, because if it's raining and you're on a golf course, it's got to be beautiful. If you're in the country you've got to make weddings even more beautiful. If you're out in the bush, it's a lot easier in the bush makes things beautiful, but you've still got to be able to deliver, you've still got to be able to make weddings look beautiful.

David Rook:
There was a bit of camera shake, yeah. There wasn't many good ones. Thank God it's digital, so I was going, "Bah-bah-bah-bah-bah."

That's what I was going to say, David. Nowadays, me being an old guy, in the old days you'd have so many photographs and that was it. But now with the digital ...

David Rook:
Yeah, so I delivered a wedding last night, and I delivered 1,993 wedding photos. And a lot of those were really similar, but I can do it now. I can get little bits of movement and things like that, and then I put that together in a wedding slide show, and things can move. Looks great.

Do people choose ones that they want, or do you just give them everything?

David Rook:
It's a process. When you get 2,000 wedding photos, you can be really overwhelmed, so what I do is I tend to print out the ones that I like. And I go ... and like, so we go, "Oh, that's what it looks like and that's what it looks like, that's what it looks like." And they look at 2,000 wedding photos and go, "My God, there's so many." And once they can see the prints and they talk about it ... And we walk around the house: "This will look good here and this will look good here and this will look good here," and then they go, "Oh cool, we've got that other one there, we can put this here," and then da-da-da-da-da. And then we put that in an wedding album," and things like this.

David Rook:
But one thing people really should do. They say, "Oh, I just want all the digital prints." We just recently lost my mother-in-law, but we found their great grandmother, my wife's great grandmother's wedding album.


David Rook:
And so we were able to go through the album and go, "Oh, that's Auntie Florence when she was 19, and this is blah blah blah, and that's this and this and this and this, and oh, look how young he was and look at what they were wearing." And they were able to remember and remember a day from nearly 100 years ago, today. And you can't do that if you've got a USB or a hard drive. Printing is still relevant today, more relevant today, because you will always be able to get ... You will be able to look at the wedding photos every time.

David Rook:
My wedding photos too: I tend to get my wedding photos printed on museum grade paper, so you can have it for 100 years, and you can pass it down to people who aren't even here yet. And that's something I find exciting, that my work as a wedding photographer will go on for a long time and still be appreciated and go, "Oh look at what they did then, and look what they did here and look what they did there, and I remember how happy they looked," and all that sort of stuff. And they can relive that day again and again and again.

David Rook:
People are, "I just pop it on my Facebook." Facebook disappears. Facebook changes every 10 years. Think of the changes between Facebook now and 10 years ago, it's vastly different. My wedding was on a VHS cassette. I haven't got a VHS cassette any more. No one has. How many people here even have DVD players any more? Printing today is more relevant than ever. And you can have great artwork on your wall, that's you guys on your special day.

David, you are the Leonardo da Vinci of wedding photography. It's been great talking to you with your passion. It's brilliant. Once again, how can people contact you?

They can contact me through Facebook, just David Rook photographer or David Rook Photography or they can just jump on the web, , , David Rook Photography, I've got both names or they can give me a call on 0411-323-814.

David Rook:
Oh, you can either contact me through the website. You can email me, or you can give me a call on 0411 323 814. And my website is .

And is that R-O-O-K?

David Rook:
R-O-O-K. Yeah. Like Crook without the "C".

David, it's been fantastic chatting to you today. Thanks so much, mate.

David Rook:
Thank you mate, it's been a ball.


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